461 – Jonathan Del Arco & Strange New Worlds | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We ‘Trek Out’ the “Strange New Worlds” announcement, Sir Patrick talks Picard, STO’s Mudd’s Market, and we sit down with Star Trek’s Jonathan Del Arco!
We ‘Trek Out’ the “Strange New Worlds” announcement, Sir Patrick talks Picard, STO’s Mudd’s Market, and we sit down with Star Trek’s Jonathan Del Arco!
We trek out CBS ALL ACCESS plans, Lower Decks mythos, Kirk recasting, Intakes, STO teams with Groupees for PCHC, “Year of Klingon” updates , & Pahvo Event.
We trek out Frakes First Contact, Fuller’s Mirror Universe, Acquisition Rumors, Legos, STO’s 2020 Summer Event Ship, the “Year of Klingon,” and Zoom Backgrounds.
We Trek Out Jonathan Frakes with Comicbook.com, STLV’s future, “The Saint” saves Kirk, Quarantine pastimes, Herocollector STO ships, and La Sirena flies!
We trek out Rosario Dawson’s Star Trek ambitions a couple of Star Trek alum hope to return to their former roles, and homages galore! Star Trek Online lifts our spirits with a second helping of the Winter Event, STO honors medical professionals, and a favorite federation ship gets a facelift. […]
DS9 & Voyager fan service, Stewart talks S2, STO First Contact giveaways and events, Timelines and Starfleet Command updates, and Tracee Lee Cocco!
Trek out Picard cast and crew interviews, STO’s First Contact Day, T6 D’Kora, STO’s Senior Content Designer Ryon Levitt, and Picard’s Season Finale.
Trek out FREE Picard, delays due to Covid-19, Trek quarantining, STO’s Summer Event ship’s, ZStore Changes, & interview STO’s Scot Boyd and Weston Pierce.
We Trek Out Rios’ Holos, Frakes reflects on Riker, Pete V Pat, Short Treks on DVD/Bluray, Al “Captain Geko” Rivera, & we go On Screen with“Broken Pieces”