460 – Re-branding, Kirk Casting, & Groupees | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We trek out CBS ALL ACCESS plans, Lower Decks mythos, Kirk recasting, Intakes, STO teams with Groupees for PCHC, “Year of Klingon” updates , & Pahvo Event.
We trek out CBS ALL ACCESS plans, Lower Decks mythos, Kirk recasting, Intakes, STO teams with Groupees for PCHC, “Year of Klingon” updates , & Pahvo Event.
This episode is filled with another set of interviews from our trip to Cryptic Studios! We’re talking to artists, animators, and system designers…But, before we jump in to that, we Trek Out news that Nickelodeon is getting a Star Trek animated series for kids, CBS shares some numbers about All […]
This week, we’re digesting that announcement from STLV that Patrick Stewart will be reprising his role as Jean-Luc Picard, a rare trademark application from CBS has set fans’ chins wagging, and CBS’s goal of making Star Trek a year-round offering for CBS All Access. And in movies, we’re Trekking Out the […]
This week, we Trek Out a new way to watch Star Trek Discovery and an interview with John Cho on Larry King Now. In Discovery News, Jonathan Frakes is interviewed by StarTrek.com and Inverse.com — we’ll be sharing some of the highlights from those posts. In Star Trek Online news, […]