470 – McAvoy, Lower Decks, and Linus | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We Trek Out James McAvoy’s plans for his scent, Lower Deck’s announcements, Discovery Discoveries, & what Trek-adjacent stuff you should look eye out for!
We Trek Out James McAvoy’s plans for his scent, Lower Deck’s announcements, Discovery Discoveries, & what Trek-adjacent stuff you should look eye out for!
This week on Episode 469 of Priority One — We ‘Trek Out’ what’s coming to Comic-Con@Home, and our thoughts on the Lower Decks Trailer! In Star Trek gaming, we share with you which game developers are taking actions for a more equitable future, and we relieve several old favorites – […]
We ‘Trek Out’ Picard & Supes, Stewart’s activism, Crusher’s return, Shatner’s Log, Timelines event, Roddenberry in Sansar, & Andrew Looney talks Fluxx.
We ‘Trek Out’ Picard’s EMMY campaigning, Lower Decks, Quinto’s Trek future, Star Trek: Timelines newest event, & Star Trek: Fleet Command takes to the air!
We ‘Trek Out’ STLV’s upcoming changes, Isaacs’ on Lorca, Combs on Boyce, and Zimmerman talks special effects! In Star Trek Gaming, we have a call to action!
We trek out CBS ALL ACCESS plans, Lower Decks mythos, Kirk recasting, Intakes, STO teams with Groupees for PCHC, “Year of Klingon” updates , & Pahvo Event.
Chabon on IG and THR, Jonathan Del Arco talks Hugh, Star Trek V Covid-19, STO’s Legacy Bundle bugs get fixed, Summer Event ship,and “Nepenthe” is On Screen.
We Trek out marketing hype behind Star Trek: Picard, Voyager’s 25th anniversay, and Star Trek Online’s 10th Anniversary is right around the corner
We Trek Out CBS Stages Canada, Rapp and Ajala talk trek, Jones dips trek nuggets, Kevin Feige’s Star Wars, STO’s Mycelial Event and Timelines’ Mega Event