476 – Broadcast TV, Pining Pine, and George Brinson | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We ‘Trek Out’ Terrestrial Trek, Pine’s pining, Takei’s Rapier wit, MacKinnon’s Bananas, Picardo’s new role, and Timelines Wolves and Wraiths!
We ‘Trek Out’ Terrestrial Trek, Pine’s pining, Takei’s Rapier wit, MacKinnon’s Bananas, Picardo’s new role, and Timelines Wolves and Wraiths!
We ‘Trek Out’ Short Treks FYC, Anas Abdin, DSTG postponed, Galaxy Quest, Modiphius Fundraiser, Whistles and Canaries, & Fleet Command news!
We ‘Trek Out’ Kurtzman’s take on Short Treks & Strange New Worlds, FREE TREK, Dr. Who, “Plateau of Tomorrow” & it’s Good to be Bad!
We ‘Trek Out’ Theatrical Re-evaluation, Prodigy’s hiring, NYCC, Games & Online Harassment Hotline, Timelines Mega-Event, & Modiphius’ Bundle.
We ‘Trek Out’ ViacomCBS streaming plans, “Lower Deck’s” Future – or past, and T-Shirt subscriptions. In Star Trek gaming we search for Sansar!
We ‘Trek Out’ ComicCon@Home’s Disco’s, Lower Decks clips, Strange New Worlds, and P-Stew offerings! In gaming, its 5D Chess, Takei casting, and Timelines
We Trek Out James McAvoy’s plans for his scent, Lower Deck’s announcements, Discovery Discoveries, & what Trek-adjacent stuff you should look eye out for!
This week on Episode 469 of Priority One — We ‘Trek Out’ what’s coming to Comic-Con@Home, and our thoughts on the Lower Decks Trailer! In Star Trek gaming, we share with you which game developers are taking actions for a more equitable future, and we relieve several old favorites – […]
We #TrekOut a virtual Ready Room with Wil Wheaton, Star Trek Mobile Games are busy, and table top RPGs honor the Klingon Empire.