422 – The Tribble Conflick | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We Trek Out Picard’s Key Art, Geordie’s return, Westmore’s Trek, Mack gets his dream job, STO’s newest ships, STO Tribbles, and Conflick Review!
We Trek Out Picard’s Key Art, Geordie’s return, Westmore’s Trek, Mack gets his dream job, STO’s newest ships, STO Tribbles, and Conflick Review!
Gersha Phillips talks #DISCO designs, Vizzini’s Rules of Acquisition, Console fans of @trekonlinegame get rewards, & Elijah gets ranty.
This week, we’re Trekking Out Star Trek: Picard’s newly announced Showrunner and Star Trek Universe invades San Diego Comic Con! In Star Trek Online and gaming news, we take a closer look at Star Trek Online’s newest Hot Rods, and discuss the power of gifting! Of course, as always, before […]
Special Guest Ambassador Kael joins the team to discuss a Spock/#1 Short Trek, Paradise’s panel, Sirtis on Troi, STO Lohlunats and Expansions, & Eve joins STFC
This week, we’re Trekking Out Alex Kurtzman’s future plans for Star Trek, including Discovery, Picard, and animation. Then we’re off to Los Angeles for awards, Mars for stamps, and the 24th century to celebrate our Captain. In Star Trek Online and gaming news, the Weekend Event store is getting a […]
This week, we’re Trekking Out Wilson Cruz’s Entertainment Weekly cover. Then we hear from Zachary Quinto about theft and Leonard Nimoy, Quentin Tarantino wants an R-rated Star Trek, and the late Anton Yelchin is remembered. In Star Trek Online and gaming news, the Weekend Event store is getting a closeout […]
This week, we’re Trekking Out the creative process of “Star Trek: Discovery”’s behind-the-scenes stars. Then, we hear from plain, simple Andrew Robinson, and William Shatner has some thoughts about returning to the Captain’s chair In our Star Trek Online and gaming news, there’s some major changes coming to special events […]
This week, we’re Trekking Out “Star Trek: Picard”’s First Official Teaser Trailer! Then we’re trekulating about Picard’s filming schedule, what Marina Sirtis knows about her former Captain’s series, and the Orville gets a VR tour. In our Star Trek Online and gaming news, we speculate on what changes might be […]
This week, we’re Trekking Out some new information about the Jean-Luc Picard series – and it IS the title – but we also get a look at Picards “Upfront” clip and on-set photos. Then Discovery sings Sir Patrick Stewart’s praise and a giant Enterprise sells in Canada. In our Star […]