431 – PaleyFest, Somerville, & Aron | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
Star Trek at PaleyFest NY, Intel Ship Bundle in Star Trek Online, Mycelial experiene in VR, and we remember Aron Eisenberg.
Star Trek at PaleyFest NY, Intel Ship Bundle in Star Trek Online, Mycelial experiene in VR, and we remember Aron Eisenberg.
Star Trek Discovery wins Saturn & Emmy; Picard Deep Fake, Star Trek Online’s Awakening, and Chrono Trek!
Star Trek plans it’s trip to NYCC, Trek celebrates turning 53, Corey Booker reflects on Star Trek, STO’s Awakening lands bringing, lock boxes and Key sales!
Picard wraps filming, Frakes talks Riker and Discovery season 3, Isaacs takes on fan theories, Star Trek Online’s “Awakening”, and we’re joined by STO’s Al “CaptainGeko” Rivera
We Trek out CBS’ Iannello going forward, Dorn on ST: Worf, Spock’s costume auction, “Galaxy Quest” Steelbook, STO’s UI changes, build testing, and warbirds!
We #TrekOut the big ViacomCBS merger and how it will affect Star Trek, Star Trek: Online’s “Awakening: Beneath the Skin”, and Temporal Ship updates!
Our second part of STLV 2019 featuring John de Lancie, Connor Trinneer, Rekha Sharma, Star Trek CSC, and Star Trek Online!
In this first part of our STLV coverage, we present the Star Trek Online: Awakening panel featuring Anthony Rapp; PLUS post-panel discussions with Cryptic Studios!
This week, we Trek Out Star Trek’s presence at San Diego Comic Con! Discovery, Short Treks, Lower Decks…Picard. All of it!