459 – Fuller, acquisition Rumors, and The Year of Klingon | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We trek out Frakes First Contact, Fuller’s Mirror Universe, Acquisition Rumors, Legos, STO’s 2020 Summer Event Ship, the “Year of Klingon,” and Zoom Backgrounds.
seannewboy on 2020-05-18
Excellent job everyone.
Tyler Maxwell on 2020-05-18
Do you believe the rumor that James Cannavale will be the next Kirk? Do you like the casting, or is there someone else you’d prefer?
*shrug* He looks like he COULD be a Kirk I guess, maybe the young Lieutenant one on the U.S.S. Farragut, but I don’t know that he necessary SCREAMS ‘James T. Kirk’ material. Though I dunno who else could do it. I suppose this is where our rabid fan insistence on near-perfect emulation of the guy that came before betrays us. I can’t think of many young actors that can properly capture the ‘Shatner-ian act-ing style’.
What did you think of the Khitomer map updates shared by Star Trek Online?
Looks nice, much more color and brighter too. Don’t want all those Klingon players to end up as bug-eyed as Gowron. :p
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