323 – A Date With Discovery | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to EPISODE 323 OF PRIORITY ONE: A RODDENBERRY STAR TREK PODCAST, your weekly report on all things Star Trek! Recorded LIVE on Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 […]
seannewboy on 2017-07-05
Wonderful show everyone, thanks Stephen for stopping by and talking with us.
I played the Kob about 4-5 times between 2-3 characters. Got up to lvl 13 in one, all were pugs. Worst one was about lvl 3 and the doomsday ship showed up and one shotted the Kob.
Yes everyone wants the t6 multi mission ships: Vaseline, Palpatine, and the Equine varients.
seannewboy on 2019-01-30
Wonderful show everyone, thanks Stephen for stopping by and talking with us.
I played the Kob about 4-5 times between 2-3 characters. Got up to lvl 13 in one, all were pugs. Worst one was about lvl 3 and the doomsday ship showed up and one shotted the Kob.
Yes everyone wants the t6 multi mission ships: Vaseline, Palpatine, and the Equine varients.
Chiyo Umiku on 2017-07-03
Sorry for the caps lock issue above ^^;
Chiyo Umiku on 2017-07-03
Hey GUys! It’s been a while since i’ve gotten to post, last year I lost my home, my moom even my computer. But I’m back and back into the game. Througout this entire orddeal your podcasts kept me going. And my mom, well she got me hooked on The Original Series and so when I got my feet back on the ground I was finally able to play the Agents of Yesterday Faction and as such I’ve dedicated my TOS Crew and ship to her. Thanks Mom, you made me a trekkie and I’m proud of it.
As for the Kobayashi Maru, Yes I did get to play it and I loved everything about it. The endless waves of different eneies we’ve faced make it hard to have a singular build set up for it. I hope it stays permenant becUSE THE iNTRO VOICE OF THE DISTRESS CALL USING THE wRATH OF kAHN MOVIE CLIP WAS A BRILLIANT TOUCH.
SanokSkyRat on 2017-07-03
I think u are over reaching with Mr. J Frakes. As someone who has worked in TV i can tell u TV directors have very little control. Its all about just making sure the scipt is shoot on time.
Rarely is a directors imput asked for. And u can forget about story important as well.
Also i feel i should point out that the reason we need new uniforms and stuff is all the propts and uniforms were sold at auctions and nothing kept because Paramount didnt see any value in star trek.
Chiyo Umiku on 2019-01-30
Sorry for the caps lock issue above ^^;
Chiyo Umiku on 2019-01-30
Hey GUys! It’s been a while since i’ve gotten to post, last year I lost my home, my moom even my computer. But I’m back and back into the game. Througout this entire orddeal your podcasts kept me going. And my mom, well she got me hooked on The Original Series and so when I got my feet back on the ground I was finally able to play the Agents of Yesterday Faction and as such I’ve dedicated my TOS Crew and ship to her. Thanks Mom, you made me a trekkie and I’m proud of it.
As for the Kobayashi Maru, Yes I did get to play it and I loved everything about it. The endless waves of different eneies we’ve faced make it hard to have a singular build set up for it. I hope it stays permenant becUSE THE iNTRO VOICE OF THE DISTRESS CALL USING THE wRATH OF kAHN MOVIE CLIP WAS A BRILLIANT TOUCH.
SanokSkyRat on 2019-01-30
I think u are over reaching with Mr. J Frakes. As someone who has worked in TV i can tell u TV directors have very little control. Its all about just making sure the scipt is shoot on time.
Rarely is a directors imput asked for. And u can forget about story important as well.
Also i feel i should point out that the reason we need new uniforms and stuff is all the propts and uniforms were sold at auctions and nothing kept because Paramount didnt see any value in star trek.
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