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Priority One

164 – Dreadnaught This Episode | Priority One: A Star Trek News Podcast

Elijah 2014-03-10 696 14

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Subscription Box1Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to Episode 164 of Priority One Podcast, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Thursday, March 6th, 2014 and published for download on Monday 10th March at!

Elijah, Cookie, James and Tony are your fearsome foursome this week as we bring you everything that’s happening from Star Trek Online and the wider sci-fi community! Are you sad that Star Trek is no longer on the air? We are, but fear not for in Trek It Out we bring you our round-up of the creme-de-la-creme of fan-made Star Trek productions. In this week’s STO News we cover the Galaxy class reboot (including everything you want to know about the Galaxy X), the latest roundup of Holodeck patch notes, including our thoughts on the controversial changes made to the cooldown on “Team” powers. Next, Justin “ChivalryBean” Lowmaster brings us his review of “Of Morals and Ethics” by Voporak, before we open our Hailing Frequencies and listen to the feedback from you, our loyal listeners.


Be sure to check out the newest show in the Priority One Productions lineup, 

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. If you like Priority One, head on over to 

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Topics Discussed

This week’s Community Question:

  • What are your thoughts on the changes to “Team” Abilities? How do you think this might affect your game-play? Is it for the better? is it for the worse?

Let us know YOUR thoughts by commenting below!

We are Live on every Thursday around 10:30pm ET / 7:30pm PT! If you’d like to join us live, during the show, Trek Radio has a built in IRC Chat client. Just click on the Community menu tab and select IRC Chat – input your desired screen name and enter!

The Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek.  Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a particular skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to

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Elio is a Northern New Jersey Cuban-American and graduate of Kean University, having earned his Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance in 2011. He has performed in internationally renowned performance halls such as Avery Fisher Hall with the New York Philharmonic, as a member of the Westminster Symphonic Choir, and in Beijing, China as a representative for Kean University. Since 2012, he has had the wonderful opportunity to Executive Produce Priority One – the premiere Star Trek Online podcast. Whether recruiting, managing the global team of talented volunteers, arranging interviews with special guests, editing, web-development, finding sponsors, managing crowd funding, or writing content for the podcast, Elio has a hand in it all. A long-time Trekkie, Elio has been watching the series since he was a child and sneaking in late night, back-to-back, episodes of TNG reruns. He finally embraced the Trekdom in college and spent many hours catching up on the entire multiverse…. instead of studying.

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  1. kortaag on 2014-03-19

    You guys are the CNN of “news.” You’re calling the dread-not’s 2pc bonus “awesome” and it only provides roughly 3% resist at the cost of 2 entire slots that 2 fleet-engineer consoles could easily surpass and be of more use. Thanks for proving to us that you’re not interested in “news” but rather sycophancy. PS.. nice downplay on the lance issues. I decided to come back and listen to hear a proper follow up on this garbage of a dread-not but it just confirms that you guys are more interested in enabling obviously bad designs by a dried-up lead designer than you are capable in being respectable in any journalist standard.

    • Elijah on 2014-03-20

      I’m sorry… I don’t recall ever categorizing ourselves as unbiased journalists? As a matter of fact, we have made it a point to say, “we are NOT unbiased journalists.” We are a “fan-cast” (emphasis on the FAN); which means, we’re fans of the game we podcast about. Which means, it is unlikely you’ll ever hear us take on attitudes like yours on our show.

      Thanks for listening! See ya next week!

  2. kortaag on 2019-01-30

    You guys are the CNN of “news.” You’re calling the dread-not’s 2pc bonus “awesome” and it only provides roughly 3% resist at the cost of 2 entire slots that 2 fleet-engineer consoles could easily surpass and be of more use. Thanks for proving to us that you’re not interested in “news” but rather sycophancy. PS.. nice downplay on the lance issues. I decided to come back and listen to hear a proper follow up on this garbage of a dread-not but it just confirms that you guys are more interested in enabling obviously bad designs by a dried-up lead designer than you are capable in being respectable in any journalist standard.

    • Elijah on 2019-01-30

      I’m sorry… I don’t recall ever categorizing ourselves as unbiased journalists? As a matter of fact, we have made it a point to say, “we are NOT unbiased journalists.” We are a “fan-cast” (emphasis on the FAN); which means, we’re fans of the game we podcast about. Which means, it is unlikely you’ll ever hear us take on attitudes like yours on our show.

      Thanks for listening! See ya next week!

  3. seannewboy on 2014-03-12

    Excellent episode everyone!

    The teams change will change my builds, i typically just take tactical team, i need the shield buff more than i typically need the other stuff from the teams.

  4. Shemrockski on 2014-03-12

    I really enjoyed Trek it out this episode. There is another Fan made trek that I have enjoyed and thought others might too. It is Star Trekk Aurora. Here is the link keep up the good work .

  5. seannewboy on 2019-01-30

    Excellent episode everyone!

    The teams change will change my builds, i typically just take tactical team, i need the shield buff more than i typically need the other stuff from the teams.

  6. Shemrockski on 2019-01-30

    I really enjoyed Trek it out this episode. There is another Fan made trek that I have enjoyed and thought others might too. It is Star Trekk Aurora. Here is the link keep up the good work .

  7. Kui on 2014-03-11

    By all means, lets get the current PvP system broken and swept asap. It very unaprochable for new players. To much min maxing.. to much stacking of numbers. PvP player numbers are low, but they are vocal. Number creep is bad for games.. STO has suffered as a game because of it. Bring on the era of D’angelo!

  8. The_Grand_Nagus on 2014-03-11

    I dont currently PvP, and probably never will until it is completely revamped like Tony said. Therefore, I say make all the power changes you want until that revamp happens.

    About the 1 hour trek it out, I tend to agree with the poster. This is a STO podcast. If you want to do an hour long interview that has nothing to do with the game thats fine, but do it as a supplemental rather than the actual STO podcast. Problem solved 🙂

  9. Kui on 2019-01-30

    By all means, lets get the current PvP system broken and swept asap. It very unaprochable for new players. To much min maxing.. to much stacking of numbers. PvP player numbers are low, but they are vocal. Number creep is bad for games.. STO has suffered as a game because of it. Bring on the era of D’angelo!

  10. The_Grand_Nagus on 2019-01-30

    I dont currently PvP, and probably never will until it is completely revamped like Tony said. Therefore, I say make all the power changes you want until that revamp happens.

    About the 1 hour trek it out, I tend to agree with the poster. This is a STO podcast. If you want to do an hour long interview that has nothing to do with the game thats fine, but do it as a supplemental rather than the actual STO podcast. Problem solved 🙂

  11. Celestiaseven on 2014-03-10

    Thanks for the awesome show once again. Keep up the awesome work!

    And regarding on the “Team” Abilities, honestly, I was quite shocked that the cooldown wasn’t shared anymore and I only know when I started playing space battle.

    Sure, it was great that the abilities wasn’t shared anymore, but somehow I felt something is missing there, probably that’s just me keeping tabs on the cooldown timer, before I use another Team ability.

    One of my suggestion that perhaps it could work is, the cooldown would only work during PvP, perhaps that may balance things out during PvP battles.

  12. Celestiaseven on 2019-01-30

    Thanks for the awesome show once again. Keep up the awesome work!

    And regarding on the “Team” Abilities, honestly, I was quite shocked that the cooldown wasn’t shared anymore and I only know when I started playing space battle.

    Sure, it was great that the abilities wasn’t shared anymore, but somehow I felt something is missing there, probably that’s just me keeping tabs on the cooldown timer, before I use another Team ability.

    One of my suggestion that perhaps it could work is, the cooldown would only work during PvP, perhaps that may balance things out during PvP battles.

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