509 – Holograms, Fleet Command, and One Hundred Years
In #StarTrek #News this week: Kate Mulgrew introduces the Janeway Hologram; Rod Roddenberry celebrates Gene’s centennial; and STO gets more 32nd century lock boxes!
In #StarTrek #News this week: Kate Mulgrew introduces the Janeway Hologram; Rod Roddenberry celebrates Gene’s centennial; and STO gets more 32nd century lock boxes!
In #StarTrek #News this week: Anson Mount updates on #StrangeNewWorlds, Paramount+ is serious about streaming, Fleet Command meets TNG, and Chase Masterson talks to us about the Pop Culture Hero Coalition!
In #StarTrek #News this week: “Q” is getting quite an adventure in #Picard; #RaspberryPi can make an excellent #tricorder; #StarTrekOnline surprises players with a #starship promo in the #lobi store; and #Minecraft gets #Trekkie!
We #TrekOut LeVar Buton on Jeopardy!, LeVar Burton on The View, and LeVar Burton on the rocks. In Star Trek gaming, we find out what Worf’s tweet really meant, and Book’s ship comes to STO!
We #TrekOut Michael Dorn’s tweet, the fate of the Multiverse, Star Trek Discovery’s special effects, Phoenix Boxes in STO, and black holes in Astrometrics!
We #TrekOut Akiva Goldsman on Star Trek: Picard, new documentaries, famous Trek Chairs, and the Jovian Raider in Star Trek Online!
We Trek Out big announcements from First Contact Day, April Fools in Star Trek Online, the nature of lootboxes, and Star Trek: Legends!
In Star Trek news this week: We #TrekOut First Contact Day with ViacomCBS, the Voyager documentary, and Boston’s tribute to Leonard Nimoy. In gaming news the Legendary D7 comes to Star Trek Online!
In Star Trek News this week: We #TrekOut new Star Trek writers, Nicholas Meyer’s latest movie ideas, and First Contact Day in Star Trek Online!