535 – A Departure To The New Normal
In Star Trek news: ViacomCBS makes deals and Tilly departs; in gaming news Mudd has some hot Intel; and Dr. Hurt joins us for the great planet search!
In Star Trek news: ViacomCBS makes deals and Tilly departs; in gaming news Mudd has some hot Intel; and Dr. Hurt joins us for the great planet search!
In Star Trek news: Kurtzman considers Trek crossovers, Nichelle takes her final bow, and @rurinnfane joins us for some STO ship-talking!
In Star Trek news: ViacomCBS reverses course, life 25 years after First Contact, Lower Decks comes to Q’s Wonderland, and Discovery Season 4 chooses to live!
In Star Trek news: ViacomCBS hates Rosco, Explorer launches, Star Trek Online finds a new ship under its pillow, and we start Season 4 of Discovery!
In Star Trek news: Discovery makes ready for another season in the future, but Trek gaming breaks new ground today!
In Star Trek News: Trek gets political in New Jersey, Saru shines at the Saturns, STO dresses for the occasion, and Noah Averbach-Katz from Discovery shares his thoughts with us about feeling blue!
In #StarTrek News: Trekking Out at NY Comic-Con, we’re all here for Wilson Cruz, mobile games and STO come to better PCs, and we talk to Ryon and Gianna from Cryptic Studios!
In #StarTrek News: Star Trek Day trailers for Picard, Prodigy, and Lower Decks, new cast members for Strange New Worlds, STO gets a new Mirror TFO, and old Trek PC games are new again!
In #StarTrek News this week: Gene’s 100th birthday, STO gets stirred up by dilithium sinks, and Lower Decks puts Tom Paris back On Screen!