470 – McAvoy, Lower Decks, and Linus | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We Trek Out James McAvoy’s plans for his scent, Lower Deck’s announcements, Discovery Discoveries, & what Trek-adjacent stuff you should look eye out for!
We Trek Out James McAvoy’s plans for his scent, Lower Deck’s announcements, Discovery Discoveries, & what Trek-adjacent stuff you should look eye out for!
This week on Episode 469 of Priority One — We ‘Trek Out’ what’s coming to Comic-Con@Home, and our thoughts on the Lower Decks Trailer! In Star Trek gaming, we share with you which game developers are taking actions for a more equitable future, and we relieve several old favorites – […]
We #TrekOut a virtual Ready Room with Wil Wheaton, Star Trek Mobile Games are busy, and table top RPGs honor the Klingon Empire.
We ‘Trek Out’ Picard & Supes, Stewart’s activism, Crusher’s return, Shatner’s Log, Timelines event, Roddenberry in Sansar, & Andrew Looney talks Fluxx.
We ‘Trek Out’ Picard’s EMMY campaigning, Lower Decks, Quinto’s Trek future, Star Trek: Timelines newest event, & Star Trek: Fleet Command takes to the air!
We ‘Trek Out’ Culber’s focus on mental health, Goldsman’s tease of Picard season 2, Jack Quaid’s Lower Decks thoughts, Gossipy-Gossip, & a teeny-tiny set!
We ‘Trek Out’ STLV’s upcoming changes, Isaacs’ on Lorca, Combs on Boyce, and Zimmerman talks special effects! In Star Trek Gaming, we have a call to action!
In the Star Trek Multiverse this week: Akiva Goldsman talks Batman and Trek, Bryan Fuller discusses Voyager, STO goes to battle, CSC with Fazri Zubair, and #BlackLivesMatter!
We #TrekOut Goldsman on Picard, Sir Patrick gets candid, Lower Decks vision, Pegg talks trek, STO’s Red Alert, rubberbanding, and Timelines new event!