402 – Our Third 400th | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We are finally wrapping up our 400th celebrations with the last (but not least) of our interviews from Cryptic Studios. Anthony, Elijah and Kenna are taking a much-needed break from […]
Tyler Maxwell on 2019-03-12
Honestly? More than any controversial decision in the history of STO, this one felt like a gutpunch to me. 🙁
The thing that I love about the Foundry in STO is simply the breadth of stories and adventures available, made by players like you and me, that vastly expand upon the universe that STO has created, filling it with more life and personality than the STO team could ever make on their own. Sure, STO has plenty of its own official missions, and they drop a new one every 6 months or so, but the Foundry allows any player with an idea to make their Trek story and share it with the galaxy at large. Everything from diplomatic encounters to science expeditions, detective adventures and love stories, even just a cool clubhouse to hang out with a few friends; the Foundry allows players to create so many kinds of stories and places that make STO more than just a ‘Everyone is the hero of the same linear chain of combat missions’ generic kind of theme park MMO experience. (There’s exploration missions there in the Foundry too, for those who were complaining about that back in the day. :p )
I recognize the difficulties in maintaining a system of this complexity over so many years, and I don’t doubt the tireless efforts of many on the dev team to save the Foundry in spite of everything telling them that it was bad game business sense, not driving the metrics, wasn’t recouping the money spent on it, etc. Closing the Foundry will save Cryptic/PWE some dev resources sure, but I still can’t help but feel like this is a critical mistake, one that will make STO feel diminished in the long run. Not just in the loss of hundreds of thousands of user-generated missions that created a much larger in-game Trekverse, but also in the loss of those authors/players who brought their passion and creativity to the community, who are now looking towards new game horizons in the wake of this decision. I don’t mean to get all ‘doom and gloom’ over all this; I have every confidence that STO can and will survive this and create cool new things for players in the future. I’m just not sure if STO can thrive from this decision; beyond just the usual story mission to PvE queue/battlezone grind like every other MMO, what’s left than can give players new and old a reason to make this specific place their MMO home?
seannewboy on 2019-03-11
Wonderful show everyone.Sad to hear about the foundry, i did not use it much, just certain authors. I think all MMO’s should have some sort of player created content, but it is a large thing to ask of developers. It really has to be a part of the design specs from the start. I would bet that that is the problem with the foundry, it was an add on, after primary programming.
* https://www.velocityreviews.com/threads/romulan-phrases.372121/
Ron K on 2019-03-10
What am I going to miss about the Foundry? Having a refuge from Cryptic content that I don’t want to play.
I keep hearing that Cryptic is “trimming the fat” and that they should trim some more but if you trim too much then people are going to leave the game. The Foundry is a big deal to a lot of people and a chunk of those people are going to disappear come April. Trim too much fat and this game WILL die just like that YouTube video suggested.
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