397 – Oh, Brother | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
♦♦♦ PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO COMPLETE OUR LISTENER SURVEY! ♦♦♦ This week, we’re Trekking Out Alex Kurtzman’s vision for Star Trek: Discovery’s second season, how Discovery’s cinematic nature could […]
Mike Wetjen on 2019-02-08
Ha! Donut manoeuvre: All the lols! Been pulling those since early 2409 and it was great to see it in Disco! (and that’s how the girls fly starships! Paris, eat your heart out!)
Hey guys, @berthulf here to say Gratz on another great show. Great to hear Winters again too.
Yeah, I know I’m late to the episode. #life.
Thank you for mentioning Tom Hardy, Elijah. He played a young SirPatStew long before McAvoy, and will always be my young Jean-Luc… which is something I rather hope the writers will steer clear of.
Also… Mirror T’Ket?
Tyler Maxwell on 2019-02-05
McAvoy as young Picard in the new show? Sure, as long as we get young and old Professor X in the show too. :p
Really, I guess it depends on what parts of Picard’s timeline are part of the
story. McAvoy is just about to reach his 40s, which is almost where
SirPatrickStew was when he first started in TNG. Obviously, he wouldn’t
be redoing that chunk of Picard’s life (if the new
show writers have any sense at all), so maybe McAvoy
could portray Picard’s last years aboard the Stargazer? Though I can’t
think of a lot of untouched story bits during that period that were
particularly interesting.
seannewboy on 2019-02-04
Great show everyone, excellent job. Love the new page layout.
I would love to see McAvoy do some more young picard.
I wonder how accurate all of those stats from STO are, i know WOW tried adding up all characters ever made when they did things like that, even the ones since deleted. They did the same with accounts.
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