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Priority One

290 – Confluence of Bugs | Priority One: A Star Trek News Podcast

Elijah 2016-10-10 686 16

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Subscription Box1Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to EPISODE 290 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, your weekly report on all things Star Trek! Available for download or streaming on Monday, October 10th, 2016 at!

This week, we Trek Out some fun little vignettes that have begun to circle the web now that Star Trek Beyond has hit home-release. Star Trek is also making headlines in United States politics. In Star Trek Online News, we’ve maybe got word of a new iconic ship coming soon to the game. And we’re looking at the causes behind a pretty major bug that affected console players last week. Later, Jake and Cookie are here with more exciting Trek merchandise on The Promenade.

And as always, before we wrap up the show, we’ll open hailing frequencies for your incoming messages!



  • Have you already purchased Star Trek Beyond and watched the special features. What extra content was your favorite?
  • What’s your favourite bug – or unintended funny moment – from Star Trek Online?


Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek.  Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well-known outlet for your work. If you have a skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to INCOMING@PRIORITYONEPODCAST.COM

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Elio is a Northern New Jersey Cuban-American and graduate of Kean University, having earned his Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance in 2011. He has performed in internationally renowned performance halls such as Avery Fisher Hall with the New York Philharmonic, as a member of the Westminster Symphonic Choir, and in Beijing, China as a representative for Kean University. Since 2012, he has had the wonderful opportunity to Executive Produce Priority One – the premiere Star Trek Online podcast. Whether recruiting, managing the global team of talented volunteers, arranging interviews with special guests, editing, web-development, finding sponsors, managing crowd funding, or writing content for the podcast, Elio has a hand in it all. A long-time Trekkie, Elio has been watching the series since he was a child and sneaking in late night, back-to-back, episodes of TNG reruns. He finally embraced the Trekdom in college and spent many hours catching up on the entire multiverse…. instead of studying.

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  1. Jason Smith on 2016-10-15

    favorite bug in STO be when the New ESD first came. beam down and fall through the floor find self outside of ESD slowly falling downward in space

  2. Jason Smith on 2019-01-30

    favorite bug in STO be when the New ESD first came. beam down and fall through the floor find self outside of ESD slowly falling downward in space

  3. Decker73 on 2016-10-11

    I’m glad that the Tier 6 Assault Cruiser seems to be finally coming to the game. I’ve been waiting for it ever since the launch of Delta Rising.

    Captain Gecko hinted that it was coming soon at Vegas in 2015, and at that point I bought the zen to purchase it and set it aside for the day it would come out. Over a year later and now it looks like I may need to purchase an expansion to a game I don’t play to get it. At least I’ll get a little model of my favorite Star Trek ship. I really hope it goes in the C-Store.

  4. Decker73 on 2019-01-30

    I’m glad that the Tier 6 Assault Cruiser seems to be finally coming to the game. I’ve been waiting for it ever since the launch of Delta Rising.

    Captain Gecko hinted that it was coming soon at Vegas in 2015, and at that point I bought the zen to purchase it and set it aside for the day it would come out. Over a year later and now it looks like I may need to purchase an expansion to a game I don’t play to get it. At least I’ll get a little model of my favorite Star Trek ship. I really hope it goes in the C-Store.

  5. seannewboy on 2016-10-11

    No ones power level is 9000.

    Wonderful show everyone.

    No waiting to watch it on premium channels.

    My favorite sto bug was when you could get outside earth space dock, long long ago, as a pedestrian.Either that or the time you would beam into ground maps as your ship.

    • seannewboy on 2016-10-11

      p.s. why does guard frequency have twitter/facebook widgets for the episodes, but p1 does not?

      • Elijah on 2016-10-11

        I’m not sure I know what you’re referring to? *THEY* have something better than *us*?!?!?!? HOW DARE THEY! 😛

  6. Gavin (Rarva) on 2016-10-11

    CQ2: My favourite bug hasn’t been around for some time, but pops up occasionally, usually after a big release. What happens is sometimes you will beam to a ground map – as your ship – Always fun. I never experienced exactly this, but a variation of it – I once beamed to a Fleet Alert map – As my ground character – and was flying around shooting LAZORZ from my eyeballs. Great times were had.

  7. seannewboy on 2019-01-30

    No ones power level is 9000.

    Wonderful show everyone.

    No waiting to watch it on premium channels.

    My favorite sto bug was when you could get outside earth space dock, long long ago, as a pedestrian.Either that or the time you would beam into ground maps as your ship.

    • seannewboy on 2019-01-30

      p.s. why does guard frequency have twitter/facebook widgets for the episodes, but p1 does not?

      • Elijah on 2019-01-30

        I’m not sure I know what you’re referring to? *THEY* have something better than *us*?!?!?!? HOW DARE THEY! 😛

  8. Gavin (Rarva) on 2019-01-30

    CQ2: My favourite bug hasn’t been around for some time, but pops up occasionally, usually after a big release. What happens is sometimes you will beam to a ground map – as your ship – Always fun. I never experienced exactly this, but a variation of it – I once beamed to a Fleet Alert map – As my ground character – and was flying around shooting LAZORZ from my eyeballs. Great times were had.

  9. Andy on 2016-10-10

    Any chance you will be makeing the pre earned rewards such as crystaline torpedo/agony rifle /crystal shard /cystaline ship console either account wide (provided you already have item on your account) or at very least able to be reclaimed for all alternate toons on the account

    • Elijah on 2016-10-10

      Hi Andy – Thanks for writing in. Unfortunately, we do not work for Cryptic Studios and/or PWE – we’re just fans (like you) who talk about the game from week to week! We’ll keep this question for our next interview though. Thanks for listening!

  10. Andy on 2019-01-30

    Any chance you will be makeing the pre earned rewards such as crystaline torpedo/agony rifle /crystal shard /cystaline ship console either account wide (provided you already have item on your account) or at very least able to be reclaimed for all alternate toons on the account

    • Elijah on 2019-01-30

      Hi Andy – Thanks for writing in. Unfortunately, we do not work for Cryptic Studios and/or PWE – we’re just fans (like you) who talk about the game from week to week! We’ll keep this question for our next interview though. Thanks for listening!

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