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Priority One

261 – A New Horizon

Elijah 2016-03-07 613 14

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Subscription Box1Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to EPISODE 261 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, your weekly report on all things Star Trek! This episode was recorded LIVE on Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 and made available for download or streaming on Monday, March 7th, 2016 at!

In Trek it Out this week, we’re getting all excited about the newest names to be attached to the new Star Trek TV series. *And* we’ve got an interview with Tommy Kraft, writer, director and executive producer of the newly-released fan film Star Trek Horizon. In Star Trek Online news, we’re looking at the latest big feature slated for season 11.5, and we’re hailing the return of some old but beloved content! Later, Jake is here with some must-have Trek merchandise for March, in The Promenade.

As usual, before we wrap up the show, we’ll open hailing frequencies for your incoming messages.


This week’s Community Questions:

  • What’s your favorite Nicholas Meyer moment?
  • What other retired content would you like to see come back as a featured event in Star Trek Online?

Let us know YOUR thoughts on this week’s episode by commenting below!


Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek.  Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well-known outlet for your work. If you have a skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to INCOMING@PRIORITYONEPODCAST.COM

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Elio is a Northern New Jersey Cuban-American and graduate of Kean University, having earned his Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance in 2011. He has performed in internationally renowned performance halls such as Avery Fisher Hall with the New York Philharmonic, as a member of the Westminster Symphonic Choir, and in Beijing, China as a representative for Kean University. Since 2012, he has had the wonderful opportunity to Executive Produce Priority One – the premiere Star Trek Online podcast. Whether recruiting, managing the global team of talented volunteers, arranging interviews with special guests, editing, web-development, finding sponsors, managing crowd funding, or writing content for the podcast, Elio has a hand in it all. A long-time Trekkie, Elio has been watching the series since he was a child and sneaking in late night, back-to-back, episodes of TNG reruns. He finally embraced the Trekdom in college and spent many hours catching up on the entire multiverse…. instead of studying.

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  1. David paulin on 2016-03-11

    Trying to figure out how to pass on a movie idea maybe the origins of the Borg in the original Star Trek movie the motion picture at the end of the movie when veger joins with the commander and creates a new life would that not should be an interesting way of showing the creation of the Borg

  2. David paulin on 2019-01-30

    Trying to figure out how to pass on a movie idea maybe the origins of the Borg in the original Star Trek movie the motion picture at the end of the movie when veger joins with the commander and creates a new life would that not should be an interesting way of showing the creation of the Borg

  3. TylerMaxwell on 2016-03-10

    What retired content should come back? Divide et Impera! There are throngs of new Starfleet captains who haven’t gone through the riveting experience of being railroaded into space shooting up a Romulan base/obviously-a-medical facility by some ridiculously hawkish Starfleet admiral, only for that admiral to turn out to be an covert Undine agent! Who to this day turns up at Starbase 39 for tea with Admiral T’Nae while being completely mum about the whole ‘making you zap innocent peeps for nothing’ thing. EVERYONE here must believe that this head-wringing tale MUST be a part of EVERY future Fleet Admiral’s story, YES?!? *Sees the shaking heads in the room* No?! Just me? Ah, shucks. 🙁

    Really though, I’d like to see Mine Trap come back at some point, probably not in an event grind capacity (for the reasons I’ll describe later), but just as a queue. It was quite fun, at least if you had a good team that knew what they were doing and/or could follow directions. That was really it’s only downside (besides the chances of a 20-man queue popping being nearly impossible nowadays): if people didn’t read the directions, they usually just fopped about and did whatever they wanted without much effect, making it much harder and less rewarding than it had to be. With a decent team on your side though (mostly in the ‘paying attention to things and communicating’ capacity, I don’t think there was much in the way of gear/kit power requirements), it was very enjoyable to watch those salt vampires burn…WITH FIRE!!! (Literally, I burned those vampires with my Romulan Flamethrower. 😉 )

  4. TylerMaxwell on 2019-01-30

    What retired content should come back? Divide et Impera! There are throngs of new Starfleet captains who haven’t gone through the riveting experience of being railroaded into space shooting up a Romulan base/obviously-a-medical facility by some ridiculously hawkish Starfleet admiral, only for that admiral to turn out to be an covert Undine agent! Who to this day turns up at Starbase 39 for tea with Admiral T’Nae while being completely mum about the whole ‘making you zap innocent peeps for nothing’ thing. EVERYONE here must believe that this head-wringing tale MUST be a part of EVERY future Fleet Admiral’s story, YES?!? *Sees the shaking heads in the room* No?! Just me? Ah, shucks. 🙁

    Really though, I’d like to see Mine Trap come back at some point, probably not in an event grind capacity (for the reasons I’ll describe later), but just as a queue. It was quite fun, at least if you had a good team that knew what they were doing and/or could follow directions. That was really it’s only downside (besides the chances of a 20-man queue popping being nearly impossible nowadays): if people didn’t read the directions, they usually just fopped about and did whatever they wanted without much effect, making it much harder and less rewarding than it had to be. With a decent team on your side though (mostly in the ‘paying attention to things and communicating’ capacity, I don’t think there was much in the way of gear/kit power requirements), it was very enjoyable to watch those salt vampires burn…WITH FIRE!!! (Literally, I burned those vampires with my Romulan Flamethrower. 😉 )

  5. GavinRuneblade on 2016-03-08

    My favorite Nick Meyer moment is not so much a moment as a theme: I always appreciated his ability to avoid villain decay. His big bad enemy in Undiscovered Country were Klingons, not some new super powerful race, but the Federation’s oldest rival. And they were dangerous because they acted like traditional klingons. Loved it.

    Content I want to come back, I agree with I think it was Winters who said the joined Space and Ground Borg STFs. I had often heard fleetmates talk about how awesome these were, but I started after they were already split and never got to do one. I specifically don’t want mine trap to be a special event, because it is my favorite content in all of STO and I want it back permanently.

  6. GavinRuneblade on 2019-01-30

    My favorite Nick Meyer moment is not so much a moment as a theme: I always appreciated his ability to avoid villain decay. His big bad enemy in Undiscovered Country were Klingons, not some new super powerful race, but the Federation’s oldest rival. And they were dangerous because they acted like traditional klingons. Loved it.

    Content I want to come back, I agree with I think it was Winters who said the joined Space and Ground Borg STFs. I had often heard fleetmates talk about how awesome these were, but I started after they were already split and never got to do one. I specifically don’t want mine trap to be a special event, because it is my favorite content in all of STO and I want it back permanently.

  7. Regulus on 2016-03-07

    The Red Alert mode should really be an optional toggle, or at least for pets. When in recall mode, pets should not enter battle mode, and always full impulse. And increase the distance for pets to enter by a lot, 4 km even 5 km is a must, given current AI.

  8. SanokSkyRat on 2016-03-07

    Hey the admiralty system is great for alts. Just think every 10 days you get 30dil!

    As for queues i would like to see back! How about the old Gekli Feeding Grounds… ha! HA!

    Long silence.


  9. Regulus on 2019-01-30

    The Red Alert mode should really be an optional toggle, or at least for pets. When in recall mode, pets should not enter battle mode, and always full impulse. And increase the distance for pets to enter by a lot, 4 km even 5 km is a must, given current AI.

  10. Rarva on 2016-03-07

    My Favourite Nicholas Meyer moment:

    Managing to get Spock, in a moment of genius, to make what can be considered a Fart joke in ST6

    “Gas. Gas, Captain”

  11. SanokSkyRat on 2019-01-30

    Hey the admiralty system is great for alts. Just think every 10 days you get 30dil!

    As for queues i would like to see back! How about the old Gekli Feeding Grounds… ha! HA!

    Long silence.


  12. Rarva on 2019-01-30

    My Favourite Nicholas Meyer moment:

    Managing to get Spock, in a moment of genius, to make what can be considered a Fart joke in ST6

    “Gas. Gas, Captain”

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