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Priority One

239 – It’s After Midnight… | Priority One: A Star Trek News Podcast

Elijah 2015-09-14 639 14

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Subscription Box1Greetings, Admirals! You’re listening to EPISODE 239 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded LIVE on Thursday, September 10th, 2015 and made available for download or streaming on Monday, September 14th, 2015 at!

First and foremost, this week, we are saying goodbye to our venerable Captain Pentad, as he embarks on a new journey. But *our* journey must continue! So while we lament Jayce’s departure, we’re also celebrating Mark’s return as a weekly host of Priority One. So we hope you’ll join us in welcoming him back as a permanent member of the bridge crew.

In Trek it Out this week, we’ve got an interview with Armin Shimerman, who’s talking about his new film, 5th Passenger. In Star Trek Online news, we’ve got first impressions of the new featured episode, “Midnight”, the finale in the Iconian War story arc. We’re also dishing on the latest gossip regarding Season 11, “A New Dawn”, and Mark has the details of the Jem’Hadar ships from the latest R&D pack promotion.

And as always, before we wrap things up, we’ll open Hailing Frequencies for your incoming messages.


This week’s Community Question:

  • Have you played the new featured episode “Midnight”? If so, what was your favourite part, and what was your least favourite part?

Let us know YOUR thoughts on this week’s episode by commenting below!

Finally, a heartfelt thanks to Geek Nation Tours, who helped us bring you on-site coverage of the 2015 Star Trek Las Vegas Convention from our own table at the convention hall! If you missed it this year, check out their website to find out how you can make next year’s trip to the convention the most memorable experience ever!


Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek.  Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well-known outlet for your work. If you have a skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to INCOMING@PRIORITYONEPODCAST.COM

Did you miss any of our great Blogs last week? Stop by THIS LINK and see for yourself! How about our latest Video Release? You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/PRIORITYONEPODCAST and say, “Hi!” Or, Check us out on Twitter via @STOPRIORITYONE for show times and other cool stuff.

Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below or CONTACT US via our handy web form! Enjoy the show!

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Elio is a Northern New Jersey Cuban-American and graduate of Kean University, having earned his Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance in 2011. He has performed in internationally renowned performance halls such as Avery Fisher Hall with the New York Philharmonic, as a member of the Westminster Symphonic Choir, and in Beijing, China as a representative for Kean University. Since 2012, he has had the wonderful opportunity to Executive Produce Priority One – the premiere Star Trek Online podcast. Whether recruiting, managing the global team of talented volunteers, arranging interviews with special guests, editing, web-development, finding sponsors, managing crowd funding, or writing content for the podcast, Elio has a hand in it all. A long-time Trekkie, Elio has been watching the series since he was a child and sneaking in late night, back-to-back, episodes of TNG reruns. He finally embraced the Trekdom in college and spent many hours catching up on the entire multiverse…. instead of studying.

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  1. GavinRuneblade on 2015-10-29

    I offer a belated goodbye to Jayce. I only started listening to the podcast not that long ago and had to take a break for a while due to a dead computer and too much work, but now I’m back and catching up on all the episodes I missed and now I’m sad to hear you’re moving on. I always liked hearing your point of view on things. Best of luck and I hope you come back from time to time as a special guest!

    All I have to say about Midnight is… CALLED IT. Check my prediction on “the other” back on P1 Episode 231.

    Well, also I had fun playing the mission.

  2. GavinRuneblade on 2019-01-30

    I offer a belated goodbye to Jayce. I only started listening to the podcast not that long ago and had to take a break for a while due to a dead computer and too much work, but now I’m back and catching up on all the episodes I missed and now I’m sad to hear you’re moving on. I always liked hearing your point of view on things. Best of luck and I hope you come back from time to time as a special guest!

    All I have to say about Midnight is… CALLED IT. Check my prediction on “the other” back on P1 Episode 231.

    Well, also I had fun playing the mission.

  3. LleutenantDan on 2015-09-16

    Jayce! We had fun while it lasted. I recently listened to most of the podcasts between Delta Rising’s release and now, and you were a staple of every episode. You will be missed.

    In regards to Midnight, my favorite part was getting to see what the Iconians were like before the invasion of Iconia. I assumed the twist was going to be that the character was one of the invaders, not “The Others.” Also: Did anyone else notice that one race of the invaders looked like they may have been ancestors of the Romulans/Vulcans? It was mostly the uniform, but if you look more closely, they seem like thorn-covered Romulans.

    Great show, guys. And I look forward to replaying the mission for the rest of the space set. It was a fun conclusion to the Iconian story.

  4. Marcase on 2015-09-16

    Thank you Jayce for your long service aboard the USS Prioritas; as a long time listener I too will miss your input and contributions – good luck with your studies, and I hope we’ll see you in-game now and again.

    What had me grinning during Midnight; “Kurland here… (static)”.
    It was a small annoyance during that DS9 mission but it was a cute shoe-in during the space battle. A nice turn-around that actually made me replay that DS9 episode.

    Overall I found Midnight enjoyable, though I expected a tougher ‘end level Boss fight’ – granted I only play Advanced and not Elite level – but ‘just’ fighting off some raiders seemed too easy.

    Especially compared to the tough Herald ground fight during ‘Blood of the Ancients’, fighting the enemy invaders felt more like a pirate raid instead of a full invasion force geared for taking on the mighty Iconians.

    Good show, as always.

  5. LleutenantDan on 2019-01-30

    Jayce! We had fun while it lasted. I recently listened to most of the podcasts between Delta Rising’s release and now, and you were a staple of every episode. You will be missed.

    In regards to Midnight, my favorite part was getting to see what the Iconians were like before the invasion of Iconia. I assumed the twist was going to be that the character was one of the invaders, not “The Others.” Also: Did anyone else notice that one race of the invaders looked like they may have been ancestors of the Romulans/Vulcans? It was mostly the uniform, but if you look more closely, they seem like thorn-covered Romulans.

    Great show, guys. And I look forward to replaying the mission for the rest of the space set. It was a fun conclusion to the Iconian story.

  6. Marcase on 2019-01-30

    Thank you Jayce for your long service aboard the USS Prioritas; as a long time listener I too will miss your input and contributions – good luck with your studies, and I hope we’ll see you in-game now and again.

    What had me grinning during Midnight; “Kurland here… (static)”.
    It was a small annoyance during that DS9 mission but it was a cute shoe-in during the space battle. A nice turn-around that actually made me replay that DS9 episode.

    Overall I found Midnight enjoyable, though I expected a tougher ‘end level Boss fight’ – granted I only play Advanced and not Elite level – but ‘just’ fighting off some raiders seemed too easy.

    Especially compared to the tough Herald ground fight during ‘Blood of the Ancients’, fighting the enemy invaders felt more like a pirate raid instead of a full invasion force geared for taking on the mighty Iconians.

    Good show, as always.

  7. Starrkicker on 2015-09-15

    Firstly a massive LLAP to Jayce, as a regular listener I’m definitely going to miss his balanced and informed insight and especially his understated humour. Wishing him all the best with the studies, perhaps by graduation he’ll be able to tell us what Kiri-kin-tha’s first law of metaphysics was? Re Midnight, I absolutely loved it, felt like a feature film, especially exciting and eerie beaming down onto Iconia, the ending really felt like a Star Trek finale and they did well restoring the values of the federation. By the way, I hope someone remembered to arrest Sela before beaming out from Starfleet Academy.

  8. Starrkicker on 2019-01-30

    Firstly a massive LLAP to Jayce, as a regular listener I’m definitely going to miss his balanced and informed insight and especially his understated humour. Wishing him all the best with the studies, perhaps by graduation he’ll be able to tell us what Kiri-kin-tha’s first law of metaphysics was? Re Midnight, I absolutely loved it, felt like a feature film, especially exciting and eerie beaming down onto Iconia, the ending really felt like a Star Trek finale and they did well restoring the values of the federation. By the way, I hope someone remembered to arrest Sela before beaming out from Starfleet Academy.

  9. seannewboy on 2015-09-15

    Midnight was an excellent episode, Sela has to die, do not pass go, veron t disruptor to the head.

    Wonderful show everyone, thanks to everyone that did interviews at STLV.

  10. seannewboy on 2019-01-30

    Midnight was an excellent episode, Sela has to die, do not pass go, veron t disruptor to the head.

    Wonderful show everyone, thanks to everyone that did interviews at STLV.

  11. zero_halo on 2015-09-14

    Regarding Midnight, I thought it was a very Trek way to end the war (which is a good thing). My only gripe with it was the conversion of the Krenim time-ship into a time-travel portal creator. The whole concept of removing something from time was a really interesting take on the often over-used time travel trope, and now that concept is gone.

    I imagine this was done to help explain New Dawn and how time travel will be available to everyone, but I’m not crazy about it.

  12. zero_halo on 2019-01-30

    Regarding Midnight, I thought it was a very Trek way to end the war (which is a good thing). My only gripe with it was the conversion of the Krenim time-ship into a time-travel portal creator. The whole concept of removing something from time was a really interesting take on the often over-used time travel trope, and now that concept is gone.

    I imagine this was done to help explain New Dawn and how time travel will be available to everyone, but I’m not crazy about it.

  13. Hayden Jones on 2015-09-14

    Thank you for your service Jayce and am looking forward to getting to know Mark back again.

  14. Hayden Jones on 2019-01-30

    Thank you for your service Jayce and am looking forward to getting to know Mark back again.

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