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Priority One

187 – P1 Diaries | Priority One: A Star Trek News Podcast

Elijah 2014-08-25 605 36

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Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to Episode 187 of Priority One Podcast, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Thursday, August 21st, 2014 and made available for download Monday, August 25th, 2014 at!

This week, we forgo #TrekItOut and jump right into Star Trek Online News with a new Delta Rising blog that covers two additional species, plus on Tribble the level cap increases to 60, and a glimpse at some new character head and body options coming soon. We also cover the return of the Crystalline Entity Event in a special addition of Command School! Our community spotlight this week features an interview with Ashley Robinson, creator and star of a new Star Trek web comedy series called “Redshirt Diaries” coming soon to YouTube. Finally, we open our Hailing Frequencies and hear what’s incoming from you.

Stay tuned to Priority One over the next few weeks as we bring you even more from our trip to the Star Trek Las Vegas convention 2014.

In case you missed it – you can catch the STODev Panel – in its entirety – during episode 184 of Priority One Podcast!


Topics Discussed

Command School

Grand Nagus’s Contest


This week’s Community Question

  • Now that it’s possible to level up to 60 on Tribble, who has been able to check it out and what are your thoughts?

Let us know YOUR thoughts by commenting below!

We are Live on every Thursday around 10:30pm ET / 7:30pm PT! If you’d like to join us live, during the show, Trek Radio has a built in IRC Chat client. Just click on the Community menu tab and select IRC Chat – input your desired screen name and enter!

The Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek.  Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a particular skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to

Did you miss any of our great Blogs last week? Stop by this link and see for yourself! How about our latest Video Release? You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to and say, “Hi!” Or, Check us out on Twitter via @stopriorityone for show times and other cool stuff.

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Elio is a Northern New Jersey Cuban-American and graduate of Kean University, having earned his Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance in 2011. He has performed in internationally renowned performance halls such as Avery Fisher Hall with the New York Philharmonic, as a member of the Westminster Symphonic Choir, and in Beijing, China as a representative for Kean University. Since 2012, he has had the wonderful opportunity to Executive Produce Priority One – the premiere Star Trek Online podcast. Whether recruiting, managing the global team of talented volunteers, arranging interviews with special guests, editing, web-development, finding sponsors, managing crowd funding, or writing content for the podcast, Elio has a hand in it all. A long-time Trekkie, Elio has been watching the series since he was a child and sneaking in late night, back-to-back, episodes of TNG reruns. He finally embraced the Trekdom in college and spent many hours catching up on the entire multiverse…. instead of studying.

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Post comments (36)
  1. The_Grand_Nagus on 2014-08-28

    So, I’ve been reading the thread over on the official forums, and in a way you could say that it proves Elijahs point. That said, I think that in a way, Elijah has unintentionally done the same thing as the forum folks he was condemning. Honestly, calling a group of forum folk entitled, trolls, or any other derrogatory term is essentially the same as calling a group of devs lazy. How? Because in both cases you are making an ad hominem attack against people, whether those people are forum folk or devs. The question is, do good intentions justify ad hominem? My guess is that Elijah hoped his negative remarks about the forum folk would motivate a change for the better, which is a good intention. Conversely, I would guess that the forum folk who make negative comments about the devs hope it will somehow result in the game improving, which is also a good intention. The problem is that in both cases you are making negative comments about a group of people, which is actually counter-productive.

  2. The_Grand_Nagus on 2019-01-30

    So, I’ve been reading the thread over on the official forums, and in a way you could say that it proves Elijahs point. That said, I think that in a way, Elijah has unintentionally done the same thing as the forum folks he was condemning. Honestly, calling a group of forum folk entitled, trolls, or any other derrogatory term is essentially the same as calling a group of devs lazy. How? Because in both cases you are making an ad hominem attack against people, whether those people are forum folk or devs. The question is, do good intentions justify ad hominem? My guess is that Elijah hoped his negative remarks about the forum folk would motivate a change for the better, which is a good intention. Conversely, I would guess that the forum folk who make negative comments about the devs hope it will somehow result in the game improving, which is also a good intention. The problem is that in both cases you are making negative comments about a group of people, which is actually counter-productive.

  3. QuePan on 2014-08-27

    Salutations , Commandant Elijah and the rest of P1 .

    The Grand Nagus is correct, while i feel P1 went a little overboard with there assumptions on the STO forums , I give you a little leeway on that seeing that some of you aren’t real big MMO Players and dont really have the experience with game forums .
    the show was a little meh because of this , while i liked the interview and the command school with COOKIE , i almost turned it off during the rest .
    whats going on with Live broadcast?Why leaving trek radio? 🙁
    look forward to the next show .

  4. QuePan on 2019-01-30

    Salutations , Commandant Elijah and the rest of P1 .

    The Grand Nagus is correct, while i feel P1 went a little overboard with there assumptions on the STO forums , I give you a little leeway on that seeing that some of you aren’t real big MMO Players and dont really have the experience with game forums .
    the show was a little meh because of this , while i liked the interview and the command school with COOKIE , i almost turned it off during the rest .
    whats going on with Live broadcast?Why leaving trek radio? 🙁
    look forward to the next show .

  5. Elijah on 2014-08-26

    I need to address a few things on here because THIS website is OUR home (your home) and I will NOT let the anonymity of forums cloud the message we deliver each week.

    First and foremost, this reply does NOT apply to a majority of you because those of you reading this are loyal fans of our show. Not only do you bring us into your lives each week, but you appreciate what we do on a weekly basis and — most importantly — you understand WHY we do it.

    This message is to the STO Forums that either don’t listen to the show – or only listen to the episode that garners the most attention….

    Periodically, we need to present to people a FIRM reminder that Priority One Podcast is NOT an unbiased media source. We are not — nor have we ever — professed to be a journalistic source that provides unbiased analysis of Star Trek Online.

    For some of you… this may be a !!NEWS FLASH!! — we’re a fan-cast! What does that mean? Cryptic can put rainbows on Sovvy’s and we’ll probably love it!

    Will we offer constructive criticism about STO?? — you betcha! But, ultimately, we do this show EVERY week because we are fans of Star Trek and Star Trek Online.

    Elijah (me) — I’m responsible for this show. I’m the one to give the final blessing and review the topics we discuss.

    I am the man at the Captain’s chair…. You have an issue with the show? — then you take it up with me.

    The forums are – in fact – a primary source of negativity that breeds ill will and malcontent. HENCE why I wrote that editorial last week during episode 186! That’s ALSO why I made the call not to post episode 186 on the forums. Because, I knew the backlash we would receive from people who simply feed off negativity.

    Here we are — episode 187 — and they probably didn’t even LISTEN to episode 186; yet, they’re attacking a discussion they didn’t even take the time to listen to. We even had someone jump in on the attack with an issue they had with someone who has since moved on from Priority One!!!

    Why am I writing this? Because those of you reading are our friends. You are the ones that we do this for every week. And this message serves as a reminder to YOU. As long as YOU support us each week… As long as YOU continue to invite us into your lives each Monday we will continue to do this show.

    P.S. — Like Grayfox — feel free to jump on the forums and show your support of Priority One Podcast 😉

    • seannewboy on 2014-08-27

      If you are in the captains chair, i have a question, What enterprise universe ship has the best captains chair?

        • Lennon on 2014-08-27

          Done as requested 😀

          See what happens — you need help and the Guard Frequency rescue you! (Ok, fine, I’ll go back to my own site now :P)

    • The_Grand_Nagus on 2014-08-27

      “I need to address a few things on here because THIS website is OUR home (your home) and I will NOT let the anonymity of forums cloud the message we deliver each week.”

      No offense, but this doesnt make any sense. People can create any username they want on the official forums or here, so there is no less anonymity here than there is over there. The only difference is that you can moderate the replies here. If you want to reply to what people are saying to you on the official forums, then do it there. If you arent willing to do that, then just ignore it. Because saying you will only reply on a website that you moderate looks cowardly, even though I’m sure that is not the case.

      Now having said all that, the fact is you’re just going to have to let this issue go. You arent going to win or convince anybody that you are right. The people that agree with you already agree with you and the people that dont arent going to be convinced. Therefore it is pointless to keep talking about it unless you are one of those people that feels like they always have to have the last word in an argument, and that having the last word somehow means you “won”. But it doesnt, so just let it go and move on to discussing game stuff.

      • The_Grand_Nagus on 2014-08-27

        And I would strongly recommend you dont keep this going when you record your new episode Thursday. Like I said above, you arent going to convince anyone on this issue; people have already made up their minds and they either agree with you or they dont. So unless you just want to keep the drama going to get attention, there is no reason to have another episode’s comments wasted on pointless arguing about the forums. Its time to move on and get back to discussing actual game info.

        • Elijah on 2014-08-27

          Sure — I can moderate what people say on here; but, generally, unless is defamatory, I approve it. What I was more concerned about was starting a debate on forums with strict rules. I just didn’t want Trevor to drop the hammer on a Priority One Forum thread. And you’re right — I said my peace. I may say something short on Thursday — but, I won’t drag this.

          Darn it Nagus, stop deconstructing everything I say!!! What I meant by the anonymity of forums is that they’re less likely to come play on our turf. They’re less likely to spend time researching and visiting the site — Heavens forbid they actually listen the the show!

          • The_Grand_Nagus on 2014-08-27

            “What I meant by the anonymity of forums is that they’re less likely to come play on our turf.”

            In all fairness…why should they? You are the one who *choose*(yes, it was a choice) to “call out” the STO forum posters. And IMO, if you are going to say negative things about them, you should be willing to say it to their “face” on “their” forum, not just on your own site where you can keep kick them out if they say something you dont like in response to something you started in the first place.

            I mean, I get that its not fun reading what they are saying over there and its easier to just read the mostly positive feedback you get here. But honestly, you started it. You picked the fight with the STO forum folks. That’s not to say that some fights aren’t worth picking, but then asking them to come to your website to debate with you is starting to look a little unreasonable.

            • Elijah on 2014-08-27

              Again — It’s not that I don’t have the cojones to bring it to them on their own turf. We’ve had to do it before. However — we know that the moderators and Trevor have been dropping the hammer on forum threads recently — more so than ever. What I want to avoid is PWE or STO moderators thinking that our posts cause nothing but trouble. I’d rather just give everyone an opportunity to voice their concerns

          • The_Grand_Nagus on 2014-08-27

            “What I want to avoid is PWE or STO moderators thinking that our posts cause nothing but trouble”

            Then I once again suggest you dont keep discussing this topic when you record your next episode. Despite any good intentions you may have originally had, at this point it isnt going to make anything better. So yeah. But hey, at least there is a lot of new game info to discuss from today’s blogs =D

  6. Elijah on 2019-01-30

    I need to address a few things on here because THIS website is OUR home (your home) and I will NOT let the anonymity of forums cloud the message we deliver each week.

    First and foremost, this reply does NOT apply to a majority of you because those of you reading this are loyal fans of our show. Not only do you bring us into your lives each week, but you appreciate what we do on a weekly basis and — most importantly — you understand WHY we do it.

    This message is to the STO Forums that either don’t listen to the show – or only listen to the episode that garners the most attention….

    Periodically, we need to present to people a FIRM reminder that Priority One Podcast is NOT an unbiased media source. We are not — nor have we ever — professed to be a journalistic source that provides unbiased analysis of Star Trek Online.

    For some of you… this may be a !!NEWS FLASH!! — we’re a fan-cast! What does that mean? Cryptic can put rainbows on Sovvy’s and we’ll probably love it!

    Will we offer constructive criticism about STO?? — you betcha! But, ultimately, we do this show EVERY week because we are fans of Star Trek and Star Trek Online.

    Elijah (me) — I’m responsible for this show. I’m the one to give the final blessing and review the topics we discuss.

    I am the man at the Captain’s chair…. You have an issue with the show? — then you take it up with me.

    The forums are – in fact – a primary source of negativity that breeds ill will and malcontent. HENCE why I wrote that editorial last week during episode 186! That’s ALSO why I made the call not to post episode 186 on the forums. Because, I knew the backlash we would receive from people who simply feed off negativity.

    Here we are — episode 187 — and they probably didn’t even LISTEN to episode 186; yet, they’re attacking a discussion they didn’t even take the time to listen to. We even had someone jump in on the attack with an issue they had with someone who has since moved on from Priority One!!!

    Why am I writing this? Because those of you reading are our friends. You are the ones that we do this for every week. And this message serves as a reminder to YOU. As long as YOU support us each week… As long as YOU continue to invite us into your lives each Monday we will continue to do this show.

    P.S. — Like Grayfox — feel free to jump on the forums and show your support of Priority One Podcast 😉

    • seannewboy on 2019-01-30

      If you are in the captains chair, i have a question, What enterprise universe ship has the best captains chair?

        • Lennon on 2019-01-30

          Done as requested 😀

          See what happens — you need help and the Guard Frequency rescue you! (Ok, fine, I’ll go back to my own site now :P)

    • The_Grand_Nagus on 2019-01-30

      “I need to address a few things on here because THIS website is OUR home (your home) and I will NOT let the anonymity of forums cloud the message we deliver each week.”

      No offense, but this doesnt make any sense. People can create any username they want on the official forums or here, so there is no less anonymity here than there is over there. The only difference is that you can moderate the replies here. If you want to reply to what people are saying to you on the official forums, then do it there. If you arent willing to do that, then just ignore it. Because saying you will only reply on a website that you moderate looks cowardly, even though I’m sure that is not the case.

      Now having said all that, the fact is you’re just going to have to let this issue go. You arent going to win or convince anybody that you are right. The people that agree with you already agree with you and the people that dont arent going to be convinced. Therefore it is pointless to keep talking about it unless you are one of those people that feels like they always have to have the last word in an argument, and that having the last word somehow means you “won”. But it doesnt, so just let it go and move on to discussing game stuff.

      • The_Grand_Nagus on 2019-01-30

        And I would strongly recommend you dont keep this going when you record your new episode Thursday. Like I said above, you arent going to convince anyone on this issue; people have already made up their minds and they either agree with you or they dont. So unless you just want to keep the drama going to get attention, there is no reason to have another episode’s comments wasted on pointless arguing about the forums. Its time to move on and get back to discussing actual game info.

        • Elijah on 2019-01-30

          Sure — I can moderate what people say on here; but, generally, unless is defamatory, I approve it. What I was more concerned about was starting a debate on forums with strict rules. I just didn’t want Trevor to drop the hammer on a Priority One Forum thread. And you’re right — I said my peace. I may say something short on Thursday — but, I won’t drag this.

          Darn it Nagus, stop deconstructing everything I say!!! What I meant by the anonymity of forums is that they’re less likely to come play on our turf. They’re less likely to spend time researching and visiting the site — Heavens forbid they actually listen the the show!

          • The_Grand_Nagus on 2019-01-30

            “What I meant by the anonymity of forums is that they’re less likely to come play on our turf.”

            In all fairness…why should they? You are the one who *choose*(yes, it was a choice) to “call out” the STO forum posters. And IMO, if you are going to say negative things about them, you should be willing to say it to their “face” on “their” forum, not just on your own site where you can keep kick them out if they say something you dont like in response to something you started in the first place.

            I mean, I get that its not fun reading what they are saying over there and its easier to just read the mostly positive feedback you get here. But honestly, you started it. You picked the fight with the STO forum folks. That’s not to say that some fights aren’t worth picking, but then asking them to come to your website to debate with you is starting to look a little unreasonable.

            • Elijah on 2019-01-30

              Again — It’s not that I don’t have the cojones to bring it to them on their own turf. We’ve had to do it before. However — we know that the moderators and Trevor have been dropping the hammer on forum threads recently — more so than ever. What I want to avoid is PWE or STO moderators thinking that our posts cause nothing but trouble. I’d rather just give everyone an opportunity to voice their concerns

          • The_Grand_Nagus on 2019-01-30

            “What I want to avoid is PWE or STO moderators thinking that our posts cause nothing but trouble”

            Then I once again suggest you dont keep discussing this topic when you record your next episode. Despite any good intentions you may have originally had, at this point it isnt going to make anything better. So yeah. But hey, at least there is a lot of new game info to discuss from today’s blogs =D

  7. seannewboy on 2014-08-26

    Wonderful episode everyone, thanks Ashley for stopping by and letting us know about your project. Loved the CC coverage by Cookie.
    When i checked out the extra levels on tribble, the only rewards were more points for the standard skill tree, not worth working on.
    In the feedback segment you guys brushed against what ships you guys are using. I would love to hear what you guys are all flying and why. In fact that may be an interesting community question. Who is flying something for abilities, and who for rp and such.

    • Jayce on 2014-08-26

      Hey that’s a good idea, I was just suggesting we should do a mini-segment (just a couple minutes each episode) of what each of us has been doing recently in game! Thanks!

  8. seannewboy on 2019-01-30

    Wonderful episode everyone, thanks Ashley for stopping by and letting us know about your project. Loved the CC coverage by Cookie.
    When i checked out the extra levels on tribble, the only rewards were more points for the standard skill tree, not worth working on.
    In the feedback segment you guys brushed against what ships you guys are using. I would love to hear what you guys are all flying and why. In fact that may be an interesting community question. Who is flying something for abilities, and who for rp and such.

    • Jayce on 2019-01-30

      Hey that’s a good idea, I was just suggesting we should do a mini-segment (just a couple minutes each episode) of what each of us has been doing recently in game! Thanks!

  9. Berthulf on 2014-08-26

    Oh, Re: the placing in Crystaline Entity. The event is a two-team/ 10-player event, so it’s likely that there’s healing and damage placing for each team, giving four placings over all.

    Plus, the ranking MAY also be based on brackets.

  10. Berthulf on 2014-08-26

    Hey guys.

    Another great pod, loved your The Redshirt Diaries segment, checking THAT out now!

    Not sure if I really want to go looksee the new stuff in advance. I’m hyped for all the ‘breaking news’ and little details, but there are differences between that, testing it and playing it. Also, I’m a Silver player, so I (theoretically) can’t access it yet anyway.

    As for Expertise; if I have any issues, it’s in having too much! I can’t get rid of it! I’m earning it faster than I can use it and I’m practically soloing a Fleet! Scratch that, my mates comp exploded two weeks ago and until he gets it fixed, I AM soloing a fleet!

  11. Berthulf on 2019-01-30

    Oh, Re: the placing in Crystaline Entity. The event is a two-team/ 10-player event, so it’s likely that there’s healing and damage placing for each team, giving four placings over all.

    Plus, the ranking MAY also be based on brackets.

  12. Berthulf on 2019-01-30

    Hey guys.

    Another great pod, loved your The Redshirt Diaries segment, checking THAT out now!

    Not sure if I really want to go looksee the new stuff in advance. I’m hyped for all the ‘breaking news’ and little details, but there are differences between that, testing it and playing it. Also, I’m a Silver player, so I (theoretically) can’t access it yet anyway.

    As for Expertise; if I have any issues, it’s in having too much! I can’t get rid of it! I’m earning it faster than I can use it and I’m practically soloing a Fleet! Scratch that, my mates comp exploded two weeks ago and until he gets it fixed, I AM soloing a fleet!

  13. Neela D'tan on 2014-08-25

    I like the lvl cap increase, was something that was desperately needed in my opinion. Can’t wait to look at the skills from 50-60 some more.

  14. Neela D'tan on 2019-01-30

    I like the lvl cap increase, was something that was desperately needed in my opinion. Can’t wait to look at the skills from 50-60 some more.

Comments are closed.