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Priority One

181 – EPtParty | Priority One: A Star Trek News Podcast

Elijah 2014-07-07 658 34

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Subscription Box1Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to Episode 181 of Priority One Podcast, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 and published on Monday, July 7th 2014 at!

This week, Cookie returns from Shore Leave and rejoins Jayce and Elijah.

Around the web this week we Trek Out what has been trending in Star Trek with an official TNG Season 8 mockumentary and a new skit from Robot Chicken! In STONews, the crafting convo continues with a couple of new dev blogs, tweets, and forum posts from Cryptic. In this week’s community spotlight, we’re joined again by Tommy Kraft, creator of Star Trek: Horizon to give us an update on the progression of the independent film project that involves the Iconians!  Towards the end of the show, we’ll open Hailing Frequencies to see what’s incoming from you — our listeners.

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This week’s Community Question

  • Do you feel that STO is starting to lack variety — especially when they’re about to remove the exploration clusters?
  • So what is most appealing to you of these new traits, modifiers, items… what got you excited?

Let us know YOUR thoughts by commenting below!

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Elio is a Northern New Jersey Cuban-American and graduate of Kean University, having earned his Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance in 2011. He has performed in internationally renowned performance halls such as Avery Fisher Hall with the New York Philharmonic, as a member of the Westminster Symphonic Choir, and in Beijing, China as a representative for Kean University. Since 2012, he has had the wonderful opportunity to Executive Produce Priority One – the premiere Star Trek Online podcast. Whether recruiting, managing the global team of talented volunteers, arranging interviews with special guests, editing, web-development, finding sponsors, managing crowd funding, or writing content for the podcast, Elio has a hand in it all. A long-time Trekkie, Elio has been watching the series since he was a child and sneaking in late night, back-to-back, episodes of TNG reruns. He finally embraced the Trekdom in college and spent many hours catching up on the entire multiverse…. instead of studying.

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  1. GrayfoxJames on 2014-07-12

    Congrats Priority One on your Twitch TV event and on making your second level mark for the convention!

    Now let’s get Cookie there as well…cause let’s face it what’s a convention without Cookie, am I right?

  2. GrayfoxJames on 2019-01-30

    Congrats Priority One on your Twitch TV event and on making your second level mark for the convention!

    Now let’s get Cookie there as well…cause let’s face it what’s a convention without Cookie, am I right?

  3. Garrett on 2014-07-10

    Hey Cookie, if you ever want to run any “no stress” STF’s, Liberty Task Force runs them all the time.

  4. Shemrockski on 2014-07-10

    Elijah Elijah Elijah… tisk tisk . The yet to be released sections of sector space “I.E.” Trill ,Betazed ,and Fereiginar, are the “Alpha” quadrant. Qo’nos is and Romulan space is “Beta” quadrant. Aside from Cardi space MOST of this game takes place in the “Beta” Quadrant. I feel like Tony at the end of “pardon the interution” on ESPN. lol GREAT job everyone *whispers “even Elijah” I do feel like it is BEGINING to lack some diversity in the sense that not much is that “Frontier” style game play that the cluster missions offered. I am quit nostalgic about those missions as that was one of the very first dill grind missions avalible to low level toons. I did alot of leveling that way on my first toon. Not to mention that the diplomatic missions counted as a freebee 1/3 DONE! I will miss them hope there is a replacment soon. BTW I LOVE memory Alpha it is GORGEOUS! Poorly laid out but gorgeous none the less also nostalgic for me. I miss that wide eyed wonder I had when first started playing this game. Big STCCG fan from decipher and this was like that in E form with the DOFFs. Thanx for humoring us fans 😛

  5. Garrett on 2019-01-30

    Hey Cookie, if you ever want to run any “no stress” STF’s, Liberty Task Force runs them all the time.

  6. Shemrockski on 2019-01-30

    Elijah Elijah Elijah… tisk tisk . The yet to be released sections of sector space “I.E.” Trill ,Betazed ,and Fereiginar, are the “Alpha” quadrant. Qo’nos is and Romulan space is “Beta” quadrant. Aside from Cardi space MOST of this game takes place in the “Beta” Quadrant. I feel like Tony at the end of “pardon the interution” on ESPN. lol GREAT job everyone *whispers “even Elijah” I do feel like it is BEGINING to lack some diversity in the sense that not much is that “Frontier” style game play that the cluster missions offered. I am quit nostalgic about those missions as that was one of the very first dill grind missions avalible to low level toons. I did alot of leveling that way on my first toon. Not to mention that the diplomatic missions counted as a freebee 1/3 DONE! I will miss them hope there is a replacment soon. BTW I LOVE memory Alpha it is GORGEOUS! Poorly laid out but gorgeous none the less also nostalgic for me. I miss that wide eyed wonder I had when first started playing this game. Big STCCG fan from decipher and this was like that in E form with the DOFFs. Thanx for humoring us fans 😛

  7. Thomas Valentine Townley on 2014-07-10

    I think that loosing the clusters is sad but only because they’ve been around since day one. However since then, they’ve just kinda sat there at the edge of the screen doing nothing. You don’t need to do them for anything important. The missions were kinda boring. All that they were really good for was resource mining. They need to have taken those “random missions” and thrown them up randomly through out the galaxy. A random mission popping up as you fly by…THAT would be variety.

    I will really miss Memory Alpha. At least they could include a mission where it’s destroyed or abandoned or eaten…etc. Telling us that R&D has moved to 20 top secret locations throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants or that Section 31 hid it…something. Kinda seems like a shame not to do that.

  8. Wardcalis on 2014-07-10

    I do feel STO lacks verity especially with PvE ques. We need more and Al comment on previous podcast about removing several ques and making them season events REALLY scares me. Khitomer Vortex is my favorite que and I wish we had more like it. I also wish we had Pve ques of a higher calibur that are targeted toward fleet events, ques that could be comparable to what raids are in other MMOs. But at the very least they should bring mirrior back and leave it back. No more seasonal event ques. They should all stay around all year long.

  9. Thomas Valentine Townley on 2019-01-30

    I think that loosing the clusters is sad but only because they’ve been around since day one. However since then, they’ve just kinda sat there at the edge of the screen doing nothing. You don’t need to do them for anything important. The missions were kinda boring. All that they were really good for was resource mining. They need to have taken those “random missions” and thrown them up randomly through out the galaxy. A random mission popping up as you fly by…THAT would be variety.

    I will really miss Memory Alpha. At least they could include a mission where it’s destroyed or abandoned or eaten…etc. Telling us that R&D has moved to 20 top secret locations throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants or that Section 31 hid it…something. Kinda seems like a shame not to do that.

  10. Wardcalis on 2019-01-30

    I do feel STO lacks verity especially with PvE ques. We need more and Al comment on previous podcast about removing several ques and making them season events REALLY scares me. Khitomer Vortex is my favorite que and I wish we had more like it. I also wish we had Pve ques of a higher calibur that are targeted toward fleet events, ques that could be comparable to what raids are in other MMOs. But at the very least they should bring mirrior back and leave it back. No more seasonal event ques. They should all stay around all year long.

  11. Dan Kochheiser on 2014-07-09

    (ko-hi-zer) is my last name (friendly reminder)

    CQ1) Yes. Not enough variations for the end game. Queue for PVE for marlks or run PVP for a challange is really all there is. Foundry missions are really hit or miss. The Exploration Clusters at least was doing something different that wasn’t scripted or against more hardcore players than me.

    CQ2) Nothing exciting at this point. And with crafting having a 10 year route to max out at the number of hours I can play, it don’t think I would ever see those traits. Or even start on leveling crafting.

  12. Daniel Kochheiser on 2014-07-09

    (Ko-hi-zer) is the last name (friendly reminder)

    CQ1) It is losing variety. They have not given much reason to play all of the PVE’s so some remain dead. And PVP doesn’t have much in the way of rewards for the rep system. SO the end game, as I see it, is your choice of PVE for rep marks or ingoring rep and playing PVP.

    CQ2) There is not any traits that are standing out to me or even being memorable. The daunting task of leveling the Crafting system at my level of playtime means I wouldn’t even see these traits till 10 years down the road if I tried. And right now, I don’t think 10 years of playing to level crafting is worth it to even start.

  13. Dan Kochheiser on 2019-01-30

    (ko-hi-zer) is my last name (friendly reminder)

    CQ1) Yes. Not enough variations for the end game. Queue for PVE for marlks or run PVP for a challange is really all there is. Foundry missions are really hit or miss. The Exploration Clusters at least was doing something different that wasn’t scripted or against more hardcore players than me.

    CQ2) Nothing exciting at this point. And with crafting having a 10 year route to max out at the number of hours I can play, it don’t think I would ever see those traits. Or even start on leveling crafting.

  14. Daniel Kochheiser on 2019-01-30

    (Ko-hi-zer) is the last name (friendly reminder)

    CQ1) It is losing variety. They have not given much reason to play all of the PVE’s so some remain dead. And PVP doesn’t have much in the way of rewards for the rep system. SO the end game, as I see it, is your choice of PVE for rep marks or ingoring rep and playing PVP.

    CQ2) There is not any traits that are standing out to me or even being memorable. The daunting task of leveling the Crafting system at my level of playtime means I wouldn’t even see these traits till 10 years down the road if I tried. And right now, I don’t think 10 years of playing to level crafting is worth it to even start.

  15. Eklinaar on 2014-07-08

    I love CaptainGeko’s bit about supporting Priority One. This is one of the reasons why I like STO so much, because of the unique relationship the developers and players have.

  16. Eklinaar on 2019-01-30

    I love CaptainGeko’s bit about supporting Priority One. This is one of the reasons why I like STO so much, because of the unique relationship the developers and players have.

  17. seannewboy on 2014-07-08

    All hail Robot Chicken!

    Welcome back Cookie, you snd Adam should check out, lots of good info there.

    Thanks for coming back Tommy.

    CQ1)Yes. Currently there are episodes, that only replay a certain amount for gear. Pve queue’s, for maximum grindage of marks. Possibly pvp for dil.

    CQ2) Nothing is really excitingat this point.

    Wonderful show, loved the outtakes.

  18. seannewboy on 2019-01-30

    All hail Robot Chicken!

    Welcome back Cookie, you snd Adam should check out, lots of good info there.

    Thanks for coming back Tommy.

    CQ1)Yes. Currently there are episodes, that only replay a certain amount for gear. Pve queue’s, for maximum grindage of marks. Possibly pvp for dil.

    CQ2) Nothing is really excitingat this point.

    Wonderful show, loved the outtakes.

  19. Elliot on 2014-07-07

    Wait, no SeanNewBoy comment? The underpinnings of my world have come loose! SEAN, WHERE ARE YOU?

    • seannewboy on 2014-07-08

      That lazy bastard, hurry up and listen to the episode Seannewboy!

  20. Elliot on 2019-01-30

    Wait, no SeanNewBoy comment? The underpinnings of my world have come loose! SEAN, WHERE ARE YOU?

    • seannewboy on 2019-01-30

      That lazy bastard, hurry up and listen to the episode Seannewboy!

  21. Adam LaJuene on 2014-07-07

    Hew Cookie, i started playing Star Trek Online last year and it is my first (and only) Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game. It would have been nice if I knew how awesome dual heavy cannons were, and still are.

    • Cookiecupcakes on 2014-07-07

      Cool! It’s nice to know there are others like me out there. Also I agree, I have 3 Phased Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons on my ship right now!

      • Adam LaJuene on 2014-07-07

        Awesome, my Defiant Class Tactical Escort Retrofit has four Phased Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons, I felt it appropriate for a ship class famous for fighting the Jem’Hadar.

  22. Adam LaJuene on 2019-01-30

    Hew Cookie, i started playing Star Trek Online last year and it is my first (and only) Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game. It would have been nice if I knew how awesome dual heavy cannons were, and still are.

    • Cookiecupcakes on 2019-01-30

      Cool! It’s nice to know there are others like me out there. Also I agree, I have 3 Phased Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons on my ship right now!

      • Adam LaJuene on 2019-01-30

        Awesome, my Defiant Class Tactical Escort Retrofit has four Phased Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons, I felt it appropriate for a ship class famous for fighting the Jem’Hadar.

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