162 – C is for Cookie | Priority One: A Star Trek News Podcast
Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to Episode 162 of Priority One Podcast, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 and published for download on […]
Sunseahl on 2014-03-05
The new increased slotting is a welcome improvement.
My only concern is that with the Fleet Galaxy-X being released this Thursday what excuse will Cryptic give us now for delaying the launch of the Fleet Garumba. This single KDF ship has been asked about several times.
Even Devs in podcast interviews either outright said it already was or alluded to already being done. It feels like, yet again, The Federation factions move forward and the KDF are left with scraps from the table. This was most apparently recently when the Mogh was released after, not with the Federation Avenger class.
The_Grand_Nagus on 2014-03-05
Like you guys mentioned in last week’s episode, I dont think the average player was really feeling the pain Terri discussed in her article; I know I wasnt. That said, the new slots were certainly a pleasant surprise. Still, I would have rather seen inventory tabs like you discussed. Hopefully they can make that happen one day.
seannewboy on 2014-03-05
Awesome episode everyone.
I love my new bank and inventory slots.
Sunseahl on 2019-01-30
The new increased slotting is a welcome improvement.
My only concern is that with the Fleet Galaxy-X being released this Thursday what excuse will Cryptic give us now for delaying the launch of the Fleet Garumba. This single KDF ship has been asked about several times.
Even Devs in podcast interviews either outright said it already was or alluded to already being done. It feels like, yet again, The Federation factions move forward and the KDF are left with scraps from the table. This was most apparently recently when the Mogh was released after, not with the Federation Avenger class.
The_Grand_Nagus on 2019-01-30
Like you guys mentioned in last week’s episode, I dont think the average player was really feeling the pain Terri discussed in her article; I know I wasnt. That said, the new slots were certainly a pleasant surprise. Still, I would have rather seen inventory tabs like you discussed. Hopefully they can make that happen one day.
seannewboy on 2019-01-30
Awesome episode everyone.
I love my new bank and inventory slots.
Mjaybird on 2014-03-04
Cookie fits right in as a host. With inventory slots to add to your comment about tabs here is my question. What if they had one for your ship layouts and one for everything else? Would Cryptic add an option in the c-store so you can pick what tab to add more slots to?
Admiral Tuvix PriorityOne Fleet on 2014-03-06
I agree a separate inventory for loadouts would be great, because whenever I go to a vender to unload loot I have to watch and make sure I don’t sell something that goes in a loadout.
Mjaybird on 2019-01-30
Cookie fits right in as a host. With inventory slots to add to your comment about tabs here is my question. What if they had one for your ship layouts and one for everything else? Would Cryptic add an option in the c-store so you can pick what tab to add more slots to?
Admiral Tuvix PriorityOne Flee on 2019-01-30
I agree a separate inventory for loadouts would be great, because whenever I go to a vender to unload loot I have to watch and make sure I don’t sell something that goes in a loadout.
Admiral Tuvix PriorityOne Fleet on 2014-03-04
Great show and welcome new hosts.
Admiral Tuvix PriorityOne Flee on 2019-01-30
Great show and welcome new hosts.
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