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Priority One

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Gabrielle & Michael Burnham, Spock, Blue Ring Nebula - Episode Image for Priority One 488
Priority One Podcast
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Priority One

488 – Books, Booker, and Saint Bernards | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast

Thomas Reynolds 2020-12-09

This week on Episode 488 of Priority One, we ‘Trek Out’ Noah Hawley’s thoughts on the future, Tartantino’s beef with Pegg, Dan Curry’s artistry, and MEGA PUBLISHERS. In Star Trek gaming, there’s Klingon Adventures, Star Trek Online’s Winter Wonderland, and Grudge! Later, Dr. Robert Hurt joins us for an Astrometrics […]

Cartoon versions of Priority One Crew singing, Blu del Barrio as Adira Tal and Ian Alexander as Gray Tal
Priority One Podcast
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Priority One

486 – Gray, Discounts, and QoL Improvements | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast

Jake Morgan 2020-11-13

This week on Episode 486 of Priority One: We ‘Trek Out’ Stream Dreams, LGBTQ representaion, Tuvix gets political, and Roddenberry is recognized. In Star Trek gaming, we talk about Star Trek Online’s discount of a lifetime, Legendary package of a not-so-lifetime, and how a 10 year old game stays funky-fresh […]