453 – Rios’ Holos, Pete V Pat, & Al “Captain Geko”Rivera | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
We Trek Out Rios’ Holos, Frakes reflects on Riker, Pete V Pat, Short Treks on DVD/Bluray, Al “Captain Geko” Rivera, & we go On Screen with“Broken Pieces”
Tyler Maxwell on 2020-03-31
Which STO Duty Officer is your Go-To officer for your favorite builds?
As many as possible. 🙂 GOTTA CATCH ‘EM ALL! DOFF-é-MON!
I swear that Al or someone said that a Duty Officer system overhaul is unlikely in the near future due to lots of players (like myself) not wanting all of their hundreds/thousands of Duty Officers just being erased for the new setup. I don’t think the problem with the DOff system is necessarily its complexity, ‘cuz IMHO the core idea is simple enough: you have Duty Officer ‘trading cards’, the ‘DOffs’ each have specific professions and traits that are good or bad for different kinds of assignments, you send a group of the DOffs out on assignments for a set amount of time, and when they come back they either fail (and maybe go to Sickbay 🙁 ) or succeed and give you stuff. 😀 It’s just Admiralty, but with people-face cards, instead of ship cards.
The problem with the DOff system is, once players are done (Rank 4 commendation, with all the DOffs that they care about), what is there to make them keep going? And ‘just make new exploration clusters+assignment chains+DOff sector rewards’ isn’t really much of a solution, ‘cuz those have the same endpoint problem as the existing clusters and assignments chains in the game; players grind through them in like a week, then they’re done forever (unless they alt-grind, which they’ll complain about being ‘forced’ to do the same thing over and over again). The Duty Officer system needs to be made rewarding enough that players will want to engage with the system repeatedly to get stuff (like Admiralty!), but not so much that it screws the game economy and needs to be nerfed (like Admiralty… 🙁 ). Maybe something that combines assets from the Duty Officer AND Admiralty systems? I’d love to see something where I could send some Admiralty ships AND my Duty Officers on a mission.
ChiyoUmiku on 2020-03-31
I want to talk about what i use for my Ground portion of the game. I use 3 duty officers that grant additional security officers so that every single time I beam down a team to help me I get a full 6 officiers, the maximum and than my system lags out because there’s 11 starfleet officers including myself going pew pew pew 😀
seannewboy on 2020-03-30
I know there are certain doffs i almost always use, but i dont recall which ones.
Loved the show, great job everyone.
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