452 – More Instagram, Covid-19, & STO’s Summer Ship | Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
Chabon on IG and THR, Jonathan Del Arco talks Hugh, Star Trek V Covid-19, STO’s Legacy Bundle bugs get fixed, Summer Event ship,and “Nepenthe” is On Screen.
seannewboy on 2020-03-24
Wonderful show everyone, great job.
Everyone stay safe.
Tyler Maxwell on 2020-03-24
Who is your favorite Rios – the original or one of his Holograms?
All of the above? I mean, technically all of the ‘Holo-Rios’ represent a fragment of original recipe Rios anyways, right? So, liking him is the same as liking ALL of them, right? 😀
Though I’m a little disappointed that they went with a sort of hokey, comedic moment between the Holo-Rios’, as opposed to something that better explained Rios, and what part of his personality and identity that each of them is meant to represent. Yeah, having all of the Holo-Rios’ knock themselves on the head at the same time was kinda cute, but not really THAT much.
Did you catch our interview with Al Rivera about “Measure of Morality”? What did you think?
🙂 Having Sir Patrick Stewart do stuff in-game is still on the table, right?
Star Trek: Picard, Episode 8 — “Broken Pieces”
IT’S ALL CONNECTED!!! Everything from Rios and the death of his former captain, to Raffi’s obsession with “Conclave of Eight” which is not actually a group but a place, Oh’s attack on Mars and the synth ban…also, Narissa visits auntie, Seven becomes Borg Queen-for-a-Day, and Elnor needs a hug. Okidokes. I dunno, I think that after the sluggishness of the first few episodes, now Picard is actually moving at a pretty decent pace; all of the main plotlines are converging, the crew is coming together (and Jurati ‘promises’ not to murder more people :p ), and we’re on the way to Soji’s homeworld. And Picard’s line about facing down “secrecy and fear” with “openness, optimism, and the spirit of curiosity”; well, that’s core Trek, right?
I actually appreciate that Chabon specifically namedropped the Tkon Empire, because they were the first folks that I thought of when the idea of ‘constructed star systems’ came up. Though apparently the Tkon Empire disappeared after their home star went supernova and destroyed them all. (How’s THAT for irony? :p ) I wonder what their ‘Portals‘/guardians/(maybe synths?) have to say about that; maybe we’ll see in Season 2? 😀
Jerry Stokes on 2020-03-21
I love the Engineering Halogram. He reminded me of Scotty.
ChiyoUmiku on 2020-03-21
I cannot lie, being someone who was adopted by a family of Irish heritage, I loved his irish accent the most, but just the same i also loved his Scottish one as it reminded me of James and Chris Doohan. Live long and Prosper Scotty!
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